We have ministries for all ages and stages of life at Grace Church. We know connecting beyond Sunday is so important and we are regularly looking to add to the ministries listed below.​

We have a dedicated kids ministry every Sunday morning for children up to Year 6 in school. Our dedicated leaders ensure the kids have fun and find out more about Jesus at the same time.
We believe children in Year 7 and above are best served by remaining with their parents during the service and hearing more about Jesus that way.
Leader: new for 2025
We love our local community and we want to see it transformed in the name of Jesus. That's why we are deliberate about sowing into our community on a regular basis. Sometimes that is helping out at a community event, assisting a community organisation with items they might need, or simply walking the streets and praying a blessing over businesses and families.

We know it can be challenging for men to connect with other men, so throughout the year, we hold a number of events directed at the men of Grace Church. These are usually social in nature, think a round of golf or a trip to the cricket, but they allow men to get to know each other and have some blokey conversations too.
Leader: new for 2025
In the name of Jesus, Grace Women's Ministry exists to support women with love & grace. We meet with women from our church and our community, for planned activities and events, to build relationships, giving hope, inspiration and experience spiritual growth.
Leader: new for 2025

Our Pastoral Care team provide prayer and assistance to members of our church and the wider community. If there is a need we can meet, we will be there and do all that we can to demonstrate the love of Jesus.
Leaders: Ross & Marlene Anderson